Thursday, March 18, 2010

Funny Bone

Call the chiropractor please! I've had so many muscle aches and pains and bone popping during this pregnancy that at times I have wondered if certain limbs might just fall off. It got me to thinking other stuff too.... cause I'm random like that!

If you constantly lay on one side of your body then do you think your ribs on that side would compress down eventually and not be as wide from the constant weight?

Does your right leg form muscles differently because of the driving process and constant flexing when pressure is applied to the pedal?

Does the hand that you write with have more dexterity and the muscles form differently? Is that hand slightly larger from muscle mass or leaner because it's busier?

If you have bad posture and constantly sit crooked does your tailbone ever begin to curve? Your spine does so....

Are their certain bones in your body that should never pop? After all, the popping sound is a result of air pockets snapping between the bones so...air is harmless right?

How is it that when you break your ribs they just heal themselves with no brace or cast... how do they form in the right shape again??

1 comment:

Haddock said...

That brings us to the question, breaking the knuckles - good or bad ?