Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Serious & Silly

The Serious: I was very thrilled to see a comment upon logging in today. Joel Baney has been a loyal follower from the beginning. It's part of why I keep coming back to this blog. Even when life has gotten in the middle and I've taken a long hiatus on writing.. it's encouraging when you can make a small post and somebody that you've never even met takes interest. So.. Joel, Thank YOU! Your comment made my morning!

The Silly A: I saw this at the store last night and all I could think was.. that doggies name should be Lorena Bobbitt aka - the wiener slicer.
The Silly B: This one is semi related to the previous and I think humor should always be shared. It just makes the world a better place :) Enjoy!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

His name's like my name.

Ha! I'd forgotten all about Lorena Bobbitt. Ouch.

'enjoyable brain' is an anagram for my full name. ;)