Monday, August 26, 2013

From The Bathroom Stall..

You know those fleeting thoughts that you have and never share with most other people because it would be absurd to have such conversations? Some of us just don't care about TMI. Here's the warning.. exit now if your the type to get grossed out. This isn't the blog for you. 

I personally have a a few rules and or thoughts about the dynamics that take place in public restrooms.

1. I truly wish that the stall doors extended all the way to the floor. This way nobody would be able to identify the offender!

2. There should be an on/off switch for those automatic flushers. Don't the makers of those things know that there is nothing worse than taking a toddler who is doing the pee pee dance or worse yet the clench and hold to the bathroom only to have them throw a fit and not want to sit down because they are afraid of the rumbling sprinkler that will attack their asses mid-stream? People all over the nation are constipated from holding it because they didn't sign up for a bidet.

3. Those seat protector sheets do absolutely nothing to a seat soaked in urine. You might as well get a turkey baster and splash urine on our asses and then stick some toilet paper to it!

4. Personal rule: I'm all for courtesy flushes... But has the thought ever occurred that if the toilet starts to overflow then you better have your pants pulled up and ready to run? I mean,.. when the shit starts floating to the top you better get the hell out of its way!

5. Don't make noises / talk on the phone. Nobody wants to here your verbal struggles with constipation and nobody wants you finishing up conversations while they are trying to drop the kids off at the pool.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Methinks you expect too much from a public restroom. A girl can dream though, right?