Saturday, September 21, 2013

Missing Lead

One of the first posts I ever made on this blog was about my love of pencils. The smell of them. The textural sound they make when writing. The grinding of them in a pencil sharpener. I just love pencils... it's strange I know. The irony is that it didn't occur to me until today that new electronic creations in communication are the very reason we don't use pencils as much anymore. I was sitting here thinking that I don't even remember if I have nice handwriting because it's very seldom that I have to physically pick up a pencil or even a pen to write. They've even started taking handwriting out of some of the curriculum in some schools. That seems like such a foreign concept to me and yet here I am.. I'm typing about missing pencils on a blog.... typing.. not writing. I guess maybe I should start keeping a journal as well. It makes me wonder what other seemingly basic things will slowly disappear or become irrelevant as I get older..

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