Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This SHIT Will Make Us Rich I Tell You!

Well maybe not.... but regardless it's fun!

As fellow parents know when you have kids running around all the sudden your brain turns to complete crap and your sense of entertainment is left to the toddler songs running rampant through the brain for hours, driving you certifiably insane. Or the other alternative is odd conversations on subjects such as the following due to a lack of sleep, surroundings of children learning of natural body functions and a desperate need to adult time.

So, Rafe and I pursued a conversation of farts. The bathroom is wonderful and intact for the full fledged event of dropping the kids off at the pool but farts go everywhere people and the etiquette is discretionary on an individual basis.

We all just love when that discretion is blinded by our own thoughts too. The classic fartee claiming that their bodily airs do not smell is in need of serious psychological reality check! Anyhow, Rafe and I were thinking, wouldn't it be ingenious to have a fix for that repeat fart offender that we all know?

So, ladies and gentleman.... I would like to announce that probably just for entertainment sake we came up with the idea that their should be scented suppositories! Yeah! Just exactly what your thinking! It would be a scented suppository you could insert on a daily basis. Make it part of the morning routine and when you fart, it smells delightful from the air passing through this revolutionary ass freshener! Like a car tree for your ass! Ah ha ha ha! Seriously....

A gift of sorts that says, no, your farts don't smell but since you have so much wind to spare could you please be the hero of our universe by polluting the air with some wonderful scents so that we don't have to be intoxicated by Joe Schmo over their who smells as if he has leftovers from the 1800's shooting out his anus!

Disclaimer: I have never once claimed that Rafe nor I are sane! We also hold no fellow parents accountable for any of their zany ideas resulting from extreme lack of sleep and chemical imbalances induced by having children! As a quick note for all people interested in future prospects of procreating (aka: time bombs) please BEWARE! Your brain will also go to complete shit!

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