Saturday, September 25, 2010

I'll Be Damned!

Well she's definitely our daughter! Beware to adults everywhere, if you were hard on your parents then your children will know. It's a conspiracy or something. The proof:

1. Aviana is getting her first tooth and she is making damn sure we all feel her pain. She has no interest in any of her seven teething, chewy, thingamajigs. (in other word, she has a beautiful feature called a temper, this is not her lovely lady side)

2. She has been giving us hell at bedtime for the past couple night because the horrid devilish mother that I am,... I've taken the pacifier away and yet the instant Time and Steven walk in with Smore's the room is filled with silence and Avi is suddenly busy licking her lips.

3. She is oh so cute and still manages to have the most ornery, mischievous grin. The girl is a monster!

4. Avi has no interest what so ever in rolling over or crawling but she at six months she can almost sit up on her own and she can stand with minimal assistance ( a lack of patience??)

5. Her favorite toy is the Cookie Monster!

6. Did I mention,... she already flirts. That's right, Daddy here is already wanting to lock her away. She gives most males the girly smile where she lifts her shoulders and acts bashful.

1 comment:

Fia Kilbourn said...

So, several clicks on Facebook and I end up here! Congrats! She's such a cutie and I love the name Aviana. Looks like things are going well in your life. So happy for you.

(P.S. I wanted to put exclamation points after ever sentence, but I thought it might be overkill. Haha.)