Tuesday, January 14, 2014

"Christian" Beliefs on Gay

Let's start this morning with politics and religion. I feel like asking for a difficult day and I've kept my mouth shut long enough (it doesn't come naturally to me anyways.)
I'm personally getting really sick and tired of hearing "Christians" say that they are against gay marriage because it goes against their beliefs. Are you the one wanting to get married? Then what does it have to do with you? What about the Christian belief to love one another in spite of difference. What about God giving us free will? Unless this is your personal battle, it's not your business! It's not your place to judge people! I'm not gay and I'm a Christian but I have many gay friends and I love them just the same. At the end of the day, we are human, we are ALL entitled to make different choices etc.... Stop the judgment and controlling, it's not your place! No wonder people have the wrong idea about church and God.
Oh, and by the way, anybody reading this and taking it personally, I love you too, even though we have differences! Difference is what makes the world an interesting and beautiful place. Can we cherish that for once instead of trying to change everything to fit in this little box of how some individuals think it should be just to ensure your personal comfort?! I'm so sick of political correctness! It's sucking the zest out of life!


Unknown said...

I had this conversation with coworker. My one best friend is gay and my coworker is the "Christian" you describe. I've got him thinking differently about it, so there is hope, I guess. I'm an atheist, but I see beliefs as opinions; everyone's is correct.

erin said...

^^^ YES! Precisely what Joel said.